America’s Oldest Muslim Organization Invites Americans to Islam in Full-Page NY Times Ad
#TheMessiahAd kicks off second century of Ahmadiyya Muslim Community in America

As its historic first centennial in America comes to an end, Ahmadiyya Muslim Community USA kicks off its second century in the U.S. with #TheMessiahAd – a full-page ad in the New York Times that shares the words of healing from its founder, Hazrat Mirza Ghulam Ahmad (on whom be peace). As the long-awaited Promised Messiah, Hazrat Ahmad called humankind towards God and towards a deeper responsibility to build ties of kinship with fellow human beings.
At a time when falsehood, divisions and injustices cripple our nation, #TheMessiahAd introduces Americans to the sage and highly timely advice, “Utter no falsehood, invent no lies, and cause no hurt to anyone.” His aim to revive Islam’s true and essential teachings also brings this world the antidote to the divisions and injustices spreading across the globe. #TheMessiahAd provides Americans with an opportunity to reflect on the Islamic precept to show human sympathy for all of God’s creatures.

The ad features further words of healing from The Promised Messiah (on whom be peace), who said:
“Believe in God as One without associate and have sympathy with God’s creatures and be of good conduct and think no ill. Be such that no disorderliness or mischief should approach your heart. Utter no falsehood, invent no lies, and cause no hurt to anyone, whether by your tongue or your hands. Avoid all manner of sin and restrain your passions. Try to become pure-hearted, without vice. It should be your principle to have sympathy for all human beings.”
This full-page ad in the New York Times is a bold invitation for Americans to embrace unity and kindness over division and hate. It also establishes the long-standing history of America’s oldest Muslim organization, which has been part of the fabric of the United States since its first missionary to America arrived in Philadelphia on February 15, 1920.
As Ahmadiyya Muslim Community USA becomes the first Muslim organization to begin its second century in America, it does so by reaffirming its commitment to serving the people of this nation and standing with the people of this nation to heal together as one. The Khalifa (Worldwide Spiritual Head) of the Ahmadiyya Muslim Community, His Holiness Mirza Masroor Ahmad, said it best when he addressed Americans during his visit in late 2018: “Whenever any of you stand in need of help, we pledge to be there to aid and assist, in whatever way we can. In times of grief and despair, we will always be there to wipe away the tears of our neighbors and to support and comfort them.”
More Words of Healing by the Promised Messiah
“There are only two perfect parts of the faith. One is to love God and the other is to love His Creatures so much that you consider their pain to be your own, and to pray for them.’’
“The principle to which we adhere is that we have kindness at heart for the whole of mankind”.
“If anyone of my followers, having seen someone attempting to murder a Christian does not endeavor to save him, I most truly declare that he does not belong to us.”
“I proclaim to all Muslims, Christians, Hindus and Aryas, that I have no enemy in the world.”
“I love mankind with the love a compassionate mother has for her children; even more so.”
“Human sympathy is my duty. My principle is to discard falsehood”
“Remember that, according to me, the circle of those to whom kindness must be shown, is vast. No people or individuals should be excluded.”
“I never like the discourse of such people who seek to confine kindness to their own.”
“I repeatedly admonish you that you should never ever restrict your circle of kindness.’’
“The fact of the matter is that my friends are a part of me, as are my limbs.”
“To show compassion and kindness to mankind is a great form of worship and is a potent source of winning the pleasure of God Almighty.”
“There is no hour in which I am free from some form of apprehension and grief, because from among the vast number of my friends, one or the other is afflicted by some form of grief or pain. When they inform me of their worries, my heart becomes perturbed and restless. I cannot describe the amount of time that I suffer from worries.”
“The purpose of the advent of all prophets (peace be upon them all) is shared by them all, and it is to establish the true and real love of God Almighty and to create a special bond of love amongst mankind and one’s brethren and [to honour their] rights.”
“This sympathy and compassion which I feel is not the result of any artificial effort or unnaturally. In fact, just as a mother is incessantly absorbed in ensuring that each and every one of her children are in peace and comfort, no matter their number, I find my heart replete, in the way of Allah, with the same tenderness and compassion for my friends.”