WASHINGTON POST – With Passover, Easter and Ramadan looming, clergy scramble to create holidays at a distance
Religious leaders scramble to observe traditions and holidays of religious importance from a distance amongst the Coronavirus crisis.

The Rev. Richard Mosson Weinberg canceled the Boston ferns and the yellow daffodils for the Easter service ordered for his Episcopal church in Washington’s affluent Kalorama neighborhood. Rabbi Levi Shemtov scrapped plans for the 200-person Seder dinner for Passover in his Chabad synagogue nearby. And Imam Yahya Luqman called off the Ramadan dinners at his mosque down the street.
These three faith leaders, who normally lead worship within walking distance from each other in Northwest Washington, are all scrambling to find socially distant ways to celebrate major religious holidays this month. They are joined by clergy and the faithful around the world, including at well-known Christian, Jewish and Muslim sites in Jerusalem and beyond.
Read more: https://www.washingtonpost.com/religion/easter-passover-ramadan-religious-coronavirus-closures/