Supreme Justice Webinar
A virtual conversation series about race and justice, moderated by Mahershala Ali and Amjad Mahmood Khan

Since a Minnesota police officer murdered George Floyd on Memorial Day, America has seen a resurgence of calls for police reform to ensure the safety of all Americans. Ahmadiyya Muslim Community USA presents the second conversation in its virtual series on race and justice, entitled #SupremeJustice.
In the first conversation on July 1st, we asked the question “What Now?” to evaluate the root causes of systemic racism in America and potential policy prescriptions moving forward.
In this second conversation, we ask the question, “Policing: Reform or Re-Form?,” inviting discussions from experts around police practices, culture, accountability, and how to bring about a relationship of trust between police and the communities they serve.
Join the following esteemed panelists as we discuss how to improve the system of policing in America.
- Dr. Tricia Rose – Director, Center for Study of Race and Ethnicity, Brown University
- Dr. Cornel West – Professor of the Practice of Public Philosophy, Harvard University
- Chief Carmen Best – Chief of Police, Seattle Police Department
- Seth Stoughton – Professor, University of South Carolina School of Law
Click the Link to Register for Webinar:
Click Here to Register for #SupremeJustice Zoom Webinar Part 2
In case you missed it: