THE OAKLAND PRESS – Local Muslim group hosts annual blood drive in honor of Sept. 11 victims
Under Muslims for Life Campaign, Oakland chapter of the Ahmadiyya Muslim Community hosts a blood drive to honor the victims of 9/11

The Ahmadiyya Muslim community launched the Muslims for Life Campaign to demonstrate that Islam stands for peace and sanctity of all life.
According to a statement on the campaign’s website, “Terrorists caused death and destruction on Sept. 11, 2001. But they also hijacked the faith of Islam. By painting a violent, militant picture of the religion, terrorist extremists have created suspicion of all Muslims. But the truth is that terrorists do not represent Islam or Muslims.”
This year marks the 10-year anniversary of the Muslims for Life Campaign, which honors the lives lost during the Sept. 11 terrorist attacks. Every year on Sept. 11, the organization hosts blood drives across the nation in partnership with the American Red Cross. This year, due to the COVID-19 pandemic, blood collection is needed now more than ever.